Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Skeletal, Circulatory and Digestive System
Digestive System

Skeletal System

Circulatory System

Digestive System and Macro Nutrients




Students are asked to make scientific articles about problem and solution related to skeletal, circulatory and digestive system.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

MYP Science

MYP Science is designed for students to learn about science in general. This Academic year, we facilitated grade 7 through meaningful learning activities. The followings are the whole units for this academic year 2017/2018. 

-Unit 1. The Scientific Endeavours
-Unit 2. Exploring diversity of matter by its physical properties.
-Unit 3  Diversity of Living Things
-Unit 4  Model of Cell
-Unit 5  Model of Matter
-Unit 6  Ray Model of Light

These following links are the supporting documents that I made for teaching MYP Science in grade 7. 
1. Unit Planner
2. Yearly Overview 2017/2018
3. Grade 7 Materials

There are four assessments on MYP Science that needs to be assessed at least once in a semester which are 
-Criteria A (Knowing and Understanding), 
-Criteria B (Inquiring and Designing)
-Criteria C (Processing and Evaluating)
-Criteria D.(Reflecting on The Impact of Science)

I herewith share some evidances of grade 7 summative assessments 

Criteria B and C

A group of Grade 7 Australia  students Conducted the experiment to test their hypothesis that they make under criteria B. After that they collected the data on their experimental design about diversity of matter under criteria C. They made the natural pH indicator from red cabbage that can be used for measuring pH level.

Picture 1. Students prepared for making their own experiment about natural pH Indicator by using red cabbage.

Picture 2. They filtered the red cabbage after they boiled the cabbage
for testing the pH level.

Picture 3. They tested the Red cabbage natural indicator for measuring the pH level on different substances 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Science Week Event

Science Week 2018
By Dendy Permana, S.Si.

The theme for the 2018 annual Science week was “Scientific and Technological Innovation”,
which was also paired with this year's’ school theme of “Entrepreneur Me”. The learning
objective of event this year was to motivate students to be creative and innovative in solving
real life problems.
This events held from 26 February until 2 March 2018. A few of the activities conducted
during this event were Science clip, Science Demo, Science competition, Science Speech,
and IRP Boot View.

What were the interesting events during Science Week 2018 ?  

1. The opening ceremony
The opening conducted on Monday February 26, 2018. At that time Pak Hendriadi
gave an opening speech titled Science vs Entrepreneurship. After that, there was
a robotic demonstration by Make Block.
(L) Pak Hendriadi explained about Science vs Entrepreneurship.
(R) Make Block presentation about robotics.

2..Science Clips
During break time from Tuesday to Thursday, we showed various videos about
science designed to inspire and motivate the students, such as the video about the
SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy Rocket Launch and CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing.

(L) Science Clip about the launch of SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy Rocket
(R) CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Editing video

3. Science Demo
During the lunch break from Tuesday to Thursday, science teachers conducted various
presentations. During the first demonstration, the biology teachers explained and
demonstrated how to properly make yoghurt and aquascape.
(Above) Pak Dendy, Bu Brigitta and Pak Wahyu explained and demonstrated how to
make yoghurt and aquascape.

During the second demonstration, the chemistry teachers explained and demonstrated
how to electroplate coins and rings chemicals.
(Above) Pak Krisna, Bu Esa and Bu Nurul explained and demonstrated electroplating.

The third science demo was related to physics. The science teacher explained and
demonstrated how to balance a Pocari Sweat can on its edge. The teachers also
demonstrated how to add a light sensor to a lamp.
(L) Pak Benny and Pak Afar explained and demonstrated the concept of light sensor.
(R) Pak Benny and Pak Afar demonstrated how to balance a can.

4. Science Competition
During their science classes, students participated in the science competition. Every
science teacher integrated the unit topic with the science week themes.
(Above) Secondary students participated in the science week activities,

5. Closing ceremony of Science Week 2018 Science
The closing ceremony of science week 2018 conducted on March 2, 2018. Ibu Yustina
gave her speech highlighting the activities of science week 2018 and the purpose of this
event, which was to motivate students to become creative and innovative.
(Above) Ibu Yustina gave a closing speech highlighting the activities and the purpose
of Science Week 2018.

6. IRP Booth Viewing
The IRP Booth viewing started after Pak Handoko and Ibu Yustina cut the red ribbon.
Then All secondary students could see the IRP booth done by Grade 12 students.
(L) Pak Handoko and Ibu Yustina cut the red ribbon to open the IRP booths .
(R)  Secondary students view IRP booths done by Grade 12.
7. Guest Speaker from INNOPA
We invited a guest speaker from Indonesian Invention and Innovation Promotion
Association (INNOPA) named Erricha Insan Pratisi. She is the president INNOPA
gave a motivation speech titled, “I Am an Innovator”.
(L) Closing ceremony MC’s Pak Krisna and Pak Dendy
(R) Ibu Erricha Insan Pratisi,  guest speaker and president of INNOPA

8. Awards for all grade competitions and IRP
The closing ceremony of Science Week 2018 provided the opportunity to give
awards to students who won the various science competitions for each grade
level and the best Individual Research Projects (IRP).
(L) Congratulations to the winners  from science competition during Science Week 2018
(R) Congratulations for the best IRP’s: Rafael, Charlotte and Monalisa.

(L) The secondary leaders gave a special gift to the guest speaker from INNOPA
(R) Science teachers and the guest speaker from INNOPA

Hopefully, the secondary students have meaningful moment and memories for
the second annual Science Week, motivating them to be creative and innovative
in solving real life problems. See you on the next science week!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Grade 12

Grade 12 A2 Social


Practical Activities

A2 Biology is design for students to learn about science especially focusing on living things. This Academic year, we facilitate meaningful learning activities for 12 A2 Social students. There were six units in Biology. These followings are the Unit Topic.
-Unit 1. Diversity of Life
-Unit 2. Genetics, Polpulation Genetics and Evolutionary Process
-Unit 3  Molecular Biology and Gene Technology 
-Unit 4  Cellular Respiration
-Unit 5 Mammalian Physiology
-Unit 6  Plant Transport Systems
You may see the unit planner on this following link:

                              (Above) Grade 12 Students was doing investigation genetic material
                                                               on Chicken hen's egg

                                 (Above) Grade 12 Students was doing strawberry DNA Extraction

                                 (Above). Grade 12 student is looking at genetic materials

MYP Biology
Practical Activities and Field Trip

MYP Biology is design for students to learn about science especially focusing on living things. This Academic year, we facilitate meaningful learning activities for MYP students. There were six units in Biology. These followings are the Unit Topic.
-Unit 1. Cellular Transport Systems
-Unit 2. Biological Molecules
-Unit 3 Plant and Animal Transport Systems
-Unit 4 Application of Genetics
-Unit 5 The World Around Us
-Unit 6  Diseases
You may see the unit planner on this following link:

(Picture 1. Grade 10 Students were doing the practical activities about Transport Active and Transport Passive 

(Picture 2. Grade 10 Students were conducting experimental design related to cellular transport)

(Picture 3. Grade 10 students were investigating the genetic materials on strawberry and Hen's Egg.

(Picture. Grade 10 students visited real natures in Cibereum Water Fall for taking Biodiversity sampling)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Experimental design project about exploring diversity of matter

Experimental design project about exploring diversity of matter 

Do we all all know that everything around us is made of matter?
Do we ever realize how many types of matter contribute to our lives?

Those questions had been discussed when I taught grade 7 on this first semester of 2017/2018 academic year.  Students learn about exploring the diversity of matter by learning about the concept and doing experiment project. The following are the evidence of how grade 7 students learn about the concept of scientific endeavour and diversity of matter.

Picture 1. Experiment About Filtration 
and Erosion Model
The first experiment is about filtration and erosion model. The students were conducting an experiment about which type of soil could purify the water and help for the erosion. Then they made the result in the form of lab report. After that, they reflected this experiment and  made a video campaign on you tube link to inform the importance of planting the trees for helping eroion and purifying water. This is the link of the video that they made:

Picture 2. Experiment About pH Natural Indicator
The Second picture is an experiment about pH Natural Indicator. They discussed and compared which type of vegetables work effectively to be used as pH natural indicator. They used red cabbage and turmeric. Then they got the result and made the complete laboratory report. The result showed that red cabbage is more effective to be used as pH natural pH indicator because the reaction is faster than using the turmeric. After that, they made a video about the importance of their experiment for the society. This is the link of the video :

Picture 3. Experiment About pH Natural Indicator 
using different procedure

Picture 4. Experiment about testing the borax
 by using different type of matters with Turmeric
The third picture is another experiment about pH Natural Indicator. They also still compared about which type of vegetables work effectively to be used as pH natural indicator. However they made different procedure from another group. Then they got the result and made the complete laboratory report. After that, they made a video about the
importance of their experiment for the society. This is the link of the video :

The fourth picture is about an experiment for testing the borax content on foods by using different types of matter by using  turmeric. They used cotton bud, tooth pick and paper. The result goes to paper. Then they made a final report. After that, they made a video to inform people through social media. This is the link of the video that they made:

The fifth picture is an experiment about making a mosquito catcher by using different type of matter and colour. They compared on which kind of colour effectively trap the number of mosquito. The result goes to dark colour. Then they made a final laboratory report. Finally they made a video to inform the people through social media. This is the link of the video ;

Picture 5. Experiment experiment about making a mosquito
catcher by using different type of matter and colour

This science project is also part of the service learning. It shows their knowledge and caring to the community and the environment arround them. Hopefully this project can bring benefits to everyone that see the result of their project.  
A famous quote from Peter Senge that " sharing knowledge is not about giving people something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning process."